Foreground features vampire, Strahd, sits on an ornate throne tossing tarot cards. Background features stormy castle landscape with ravens flying through the sky.

Image Credit: Wizard's of the Coast's "Curse of Strahd"


Dungeon and Dragons (D&D), a popular tabletop roleplaying game, is widely recognized for its capacity to provide entertainment and escapism to players. However, for individuals with mental health conditions, participating in the game can pose challenges, particularly when confronted with triggering topics during roleplay. This field study investigates the experiences of players and Dungeon Masters (DMs) as shared on D&D Facebook groups, specifically focusing on the 5th edition module, Curse of Strahd. By examining the firsthand accounts of participants, this research aims to identify potential ethical considerations for DMs to ensure a safe and inclusive gameplay environment for individuals with metal health concerns. The study’s findings offer insights into specific area of gameplay that may trigger distress, as well as strategies and recommendations for DMs to navigate sensitive topics with care and sensitivity.
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